Christ Completes You

For in Christ lives all the fullness of God in a human body. So, you also are complete through your union with Christ, who is the head over every ruler and authority.
— COLOSSIANS 2:9 – 10 (NLT)
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So many people are searching for something to fill the empty void in their lives. Some people search for happiness in relationships to complete them while others feel if they were in a certain career they would be complete. The approval of others is another big one that people seek to make them feel valued or more complete. Unfortunately, when people search for these kinds of validity, it is almost never fulfilling and actually, more voids are realized, and a vicious cycle is birthed.

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If you are in such a vicious cycle, break it today by realizing that you are already complete in Christ. You don’t have to search for things of this world because you have everything and more in Christ Jesus. You’re blessed with family, friends, and loved ones, but your happiness is in Christ. A good job may pay you good money, but your wealth is in the Lord. It doesn’t matter how many likes you get on social media. God has given you the ultimate ‘thumbs up!’ You are complete in Christ. You are whole. You are loved. You are God’s!

Lacking nothing


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Heavenly Father, I am complete in Your Son, Jesus, that lives in me. I have value. I have worth. I am loved. My happiness, peace, and joy are in You. I lack nothing! In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer

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