“But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world.”
We are surrounded by spirits daily. Not every spirit around us are good spirits, but we don’t have to live in fear because of them. We only need to understand that they exist and prepare our spirts against those around us. The way we do this is by constantly and consistently feeding the Holy Spirit within us. The Spirit who lives in us is greater than the spirit who lives in the world, but if we don’t feed It, we won’t come to realize Its power.
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Whatever spirit you feed will grow and be powerful. Whatever spirit you starve will die and lay dormant. Thus, lies the choice you have to make every single day: Which spirit do I feed? If you feed your spirit with doubt, fear, anger, evil, jealousy or lust, then you’re feeding the spirit of the world. But if you feed your spirit with love, peace, patience, kindness, forgiveness, and self-control, you’re fueling the Holy Spirit within you. Now, the God power in you takes over your problems and you’re able to handle every situation in a godly manner. You’re victorious! You’re successful! You’re at peace! All because you fed the right spirit. Which spirit are you feeding?
Come Holy Spirit!
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“Heavenly Father, Your Spirit who lives in me is greater than the spirit who lives in the world. I will consistently feed my Spirit with everything that is of You. I belong to You! In Jesus’ name. Amen.”
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