Wherever you find yourself in life today, God has a plan. Whatever you are right now, it’s with purpose. If you don’t think you’re where you should be, it’s OK. You’re right where God planned for you to. And if you keep listening to Christ and allowing His Holy Spirit to guide and direct you, His glory will be revealed in you. So, keep your head high and to the sky.
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You’re not a mistake, it’s not a mistake, and today is not a mistake. You have God’s special favor poured out over you. You are where you are because of God’s grace working through you. Whatever you are is not God’s ending for you. Keep walking in Christ. Keep living for God. Each day you push, you’re closer to your destiny.
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Heavenly Father, whatever I am now it is because You poured Your special favor on me. I am who I am because Your grace works through me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
This is my prayer
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