“Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to Him than they are?”
Do you know who you are? You are God’s most valuable creation! You mean the world to Him. He loves you, provides for you, and thinks about you all the time. Why? Because you are important to Him. He has given you purpose, gifts, and life. God blessed you before you were even born. He blessed you to have an abundant life, to be prosperous, to speak on Christ’s behalf, and to be a blessing to others. He chose you and because of this, you are valuable.
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Your value isn’t wrapped up in who you marry, what you own, or how you look. It isn’t what’s in your pocket, in your garage, or in your closet. It’s what’s in you. It’s who God created you to be. And that, my friend, is irreplaceable to God. You don’t have to look to others for their approval or feel unworthy because of a particular social status. Today, realize you are valuable because God says you are. Appreciate your worth, love who you are and live your best life!
God chose me!
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“Heavenly Father, I am Your child. I am valuable because You created me in Your image. Thank You for loving me, thinking about me and providing for me every single day! In Jesus’ name. Amen.”
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