“There he went into a cave and spent the night. And the word of the Lord came to him: “What are you doing here, Elijah?””
Ever have one of those days where you were just stuck in a rut all day? It could’ve been because you received some bad news. It could have been because your significant other broke up with you again for the thirteenth time. It may be because you thought you were going to get more money at work, but instead got more responsibility. Whatever the case, you aren’t in a good place. You’re stressed, depressed, anxious, scared and just plain ol’ sad. But wait! Did you hear that? Over the agonizing sound of your problems, there’s a quiet, still voice asking… “What are you doing here?”
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This isn’t the place God prepared for you. He doesn’t want His child to be in a state of fear, stress, depression or anxiety. God wants you to grow from your heartache, learn from your struggle and live through your adversity. Don’t stay where you are. Become strong and fearless by relying on the Lord’s strength. Grow! Learn! Live! If people walked away from you, that’s OK. Jesus didn’t! If you get more piled on you at work, that means God knows you can handle it. If you find yourself in a funk today, ask yourself, “What am I doing?” and remind yourself whose you are and who you are in Christ. Let’s go! Get out of that cave. You’ve got more life to live.
Dust yourself off
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“Heavenly Father, You have big plans for my life and I’m not going to waste time hiding in this cave. I’m going to forgive myself, forget my pain and Live Life in You. Thank You for freeing me, Lord. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.”