“Look at the nations and watch—and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.”
My friend, it’s time that we start trusting in God and believing Him for His word. Too many times do we use the “feel-good” catchphrases concerning God, but forget the power that is within the words we use. If someone said, “God is good” what would we say in response? We’d say, “All the time!” Another one we use all the time is, “Won’t He do it!?” We’ve even flipped that catchphrase, and remixed it to, “Won’t He will!?” Yet when Jesus actually shows us how good He is or that He will in fact “do it” we sometimes forget He said He would.
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God wants your faith to go beyond a catchy call and response chant. He wants to do things in your life that you won’t even believe, even if you were told. And you know what? He did tell you of the utterly amazing things He’s planned for your life through His word, His Son and the Holy Spirit. You only need to believe. If you need a miracle, don’t ask for it. Believe for it! If you need a breakthrough, don’t wait for it. Walk in it! Don’t wait for the media to tell you, don’t wait to make a New Year resolution. God is moving, right now, and He wants to move in your life in a way that will leave you utterly amazed.
Won’t He do it?
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“Heavenly Father, thank You for doing what You said You would do in my life that will leave me utterly amazed. I have faith in Your precious promises and believe they are happening in my life today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”