“This book of the Law must not leave your mouth. Think about it day and night, so you may be careful to do all that is written in it. Then all will go well with you. You will receive many good things.”
It’s important that we fill our spirits with the Word of God daily. As the saying goes, “Garbage in, garbage out. Word in, Word out.” And the reason we fill our spirits with the Word of God is so that we can do the Word of God. What good is reading a devotional every morning if we don’t apply what God spoke to us through the devotional. It’d be like starving for something to eat with a full refrigerator. We just open the refrigerator door, look at the food, close it and say, “Mmm! That was good!”
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God wants you to do His Word. When you meditate on God’s Word, there is something specific He wants to reveal to you to do - specific to your godly purpose. You meditate, day and night, so you can do all that the Word is telling you. Just reading the Word isn’t your reward. Doing the Word is your reward. When you do the Word, then all will go well with you and you will receive many good things. And remember, whatever scripture Christ has placed in your heart to do will line up with your purpose and give you specific direction. Good things are awaiting you my friend.
Just do it
“Heavenly Father, I will meditate on Your Word day and night, so I can do all that is written in it. Then You promised me all will go well with me and I will receive many good things. I claim this today In Jesus’ name. Amen.”