“For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that One died for all, and therefore all died. And He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for Him who died for them and was raised again.”
What’s on your to-do list today? If you’re anything like me, the answer is a lot. If you’re an “Essential Employee” like me, you probably have a list of things to do right after work. Maybe you don’t have to go into the office, but you’re still working from home. And even though you’re blessed to work from home, there are plenty distractions all around calling out your name. You could be furloughed right now or retired, but I guarantee your day is probably still packed full of things to do, people to message, movies you’ve been wanting to stream or series to catch up on. Before you know it, it’s night, time to go to bed, with things you still wanted to do not crossed off your list.
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Whether you have plenty of time on your hands or not enough time, make sure you do something for Jesus. Think about it, you’re only able to do the things you need to do, and want to do, because Christ gave you the ability. Shouldn’t doing something for Him be at the top of your list? Scripture says to no longer live for yourself (the things on your list), but live for Him who died for you (God’s list). It could be calling to check on a relative or friend who lives alone. It could be electronically sending an offering to your local church. It could be praying, not to ask for anything, but just to say, “Thank You, Jesus!” Just don’t let another day get away from you without doing something for Christ.
Let love compel you
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Heavenly Father, Your love compels me to accomplish things on Your to do list! Today, I choose to live for You and not for myself. I open my heart to You to receive Your will and way. In Jesus’ name. Amen.