“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.”
Jesus has no problems. Well, I mean, besides dealing with us, but in general, Jesus has no problems. He’s not stressed about who’s talking behind his back. He’s not worried if His stimulus check is going to come on time. He’s not anxious about what will happen if He gets laid off next week. Jesus is at peace. That’s not to say He’s not thinking about me and you and the things we’re facing. He’s just not worried about it. He’s in control. Nothing is too big for Him. Again, He’s at peace.
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The wonderful thing about Jesus’ peace is you can experience it too. You can have it. You can live in it every day. You simply have to let the peace of Christ rule in your heart. Peace is a choice. You have the power to decide how you are going to respond to your situation. Are you going to act a fool with the people who are talking about you or are you going to let the peace of Christ rule in your heart? Are you going to stress about what tomorrow may bring or are you going to let the peace of Christ rule in your heart? The key word in today’s scripture is “let.” That means you have a choice. Jesus is offering you His peace. You were called to peace. Make the choice. Accept it. And be thankful today.
Peace is yours
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“Heavenly Father, I choose to let Your peace rule my heart. I am grateful that You called me to peace. I will accept it and be thankful! In Jesus’ name. Amen.”