“For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.”
The original Karate Kid movie is a classic to me. One of the best parts of the movie is when Mr. Miyagi teaches Daniel karate by showing him normal chores around his home. Daniel became frustrated with Mr. Miyagi because he didn’t understand why he was being told to do these crazy things until Mr. Miyagi revealed to him he was learning karate all along. His teacher had been teaching him the whole time, so that when the time came Daniel would be prepared to fight.
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The scriptures you read daily prepare you for times and things you have no idea you’d ever have to face or fight. The word of God that was written in the past was written to teach you and keep you, so that through the endurance you were taught in the scripture, and the encouragement they provide, you may have hope in times like these. In facing COVID-19, in facing the loss of loved ones, in facing unemployment, in facing being alone during the Stay-At-Home advisory, the scriptures you have studied, prayed, read and heard through sermons and teachings, has prepared you and will provide you hope. Times like now are why you hid God’s word in your heart. Unlock every scripture in your heart and receive the endurance you were taught and the encouragement the scriptures provide. There is hope. You are prepared. Remember what you have been taught and live it today.
Have hope!
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“Heavenly Father, through Your word, I have been taught to endure. Your word encourages me and I have hope in Your love, faithfulness and deliverance. Thank You, Lord, for preparing me for such a time as this. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”