It's Who You Are

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.

Today, I want to encourage you to shake off the shackles of life that are holding you back. Why? Because you have good things to do that Christ Jesus planned for you long ago and you can’t do those good things while holding on to the bad things. You may have been talked about by people you thought liked you, may have gone through a nasty divorce, may have been fired from a job, have health issues or have had your heart broken, but I want to remind you that even though those things happened to you, it’s not who you are.

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When bad things happen to you, that doesn’t mean you’re a bad person. You are God’s masterpiece! And as His masterpiece, He can take the bad things that happened to you and make them work for the good. No experience is wasted by God – good or bad. Whatever Jesus has allowed you to experience He can use to grow you, mold you and better you. Think about it for a second… whatever bad thing happened; it didn’t consume you. You’re still here! Why? Because Jesus has some good things He needs you to do. And Christ has confidence that you can do those things because it’s who you are.

Be encouraged

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Heavenly Father, I’ve been through some rough times, but that’s no who I am. I am Your masterpiece, created anew in Christ Jesus, so I can do the good things You planned for me long ago. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer