The Third Day

‘The Son of Man must suffer many terrible things,’ He said. ‘He will be rejected by the elders, the leading priests, and the teachers of religious law. He will be killed, but on the third day He will be raised from the dead.’
— LUKE 9: 22 (NLT)

Jesus was born with purpose. He was born to be Savior of the world. When He was crucified by the very people He loved, He was buried and raised from the dead on the third day with all power. But before He was raised from the dead on the third day with all power, He had to be lied on, betrayed, left alone, denied, called names, falsely accused, beaten and a lot of other inglorious terrible things. To fulfill God’s plan, Jesus had to endure some suffering, but the gift God had ahead far outweighed what was behind Him.

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You have a third day too. It may not come three days from now, but whatever suffering God is allowing you to endure is temporary. This temporary suffering is getting you prepared for a permanent place of victory Jesus has prepared for you. When people begin to treat you wrong and the firm ground you once stood on becomes shaky, recognize that God is getting ready to do something awesome in your life! Look past your cross and see the glory that awaits you. And even when you can’t see the full plan, believe through faith that Jesus can see it and everything He’s allowing you to go through is getting you closer to your third day.

He got up!

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Heavenly Father, the terrible things I am going through are truly undesirable, but I know You are with me and preparing me for my third day. I thank You for the plan You have for my life and the grace You have provided for me to get there. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer