“He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit He prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.”
My family had a pear tree in our backyard. It grew pears every other year. The year that it didn’t grow pears, the prettiest white blossoms would bloom. This would be a sign for the following season that the tree was going to grow a lot of pears. There would be some branches that would not grow any blossoms and we would break those branches off making room for new limbs to grow so in the following season even more pears would grow. We learned that clearing the dead branches helped the tree to produce more fruit and also extended the life of the tree.
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Jesus recognizes the same truth for you. Some things have to be removed from your life in order for you to be the best you can be. You may have some people walk out of your life or you may experience some difficult things you weren’t expecting. It’s not that your having a bad year. God is preparing you for a better season. But in order to do that, He has to cut off some things that are hindering your growth or stopping your production. Sure, pruning may hurt, but Christ is able to heal all wounds. Trust Him when He prunes and removes the branches in your life so that you can be even more fruitful today than you were yesterday!
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“Heavenly Father, thank You for pruning me and removing non-productive branches in my life. I trust You and know that You are preparing me to be more fruitful than ever before! In Jesus’ name. Amen.”