“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.”
When you know a scripture by heart or hear it a lot, you can sometimes forget it true meaning. I’m not saying you don’t believe the word, but I am saying we can sometimes forget its power and how it applies to our everyday life. Take today’s scripture: Romans 8:28. (I lost some of y’all already. “I know that scripture!”) It’s a very familiar scripture, but do you realize the power of how it can completely change your day, your year, your life?
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If you love God, and are walking in His purpose, the scripture says EVERYTHING that happens to you, by you and around you, God will work out for your good. That means through your divorce. That means when your car breaks down. That means when your family and friends turn away from you. That means when those crazy people on your job go crazy. That means when the world makes your perfect plans difficult. When you’re wrongfully accused, lied on, gossiped about, forgotten and abused, your God will take that mess and leave you blessed. Activate the peace of Christ over your life today knowing that no matter what they throw at you, Jesus is working all things for your good because you love Him and are called according to His purpose.
He’s intentional
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“Heavenly Father, I know that in all things You are working for my good because I love You and am called according to Your purpose. Thank You, Lord! In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”