“He plied Him with many questions, but Jesus gave him no answer.”
Have you ever been sure of an idea until you revealed it to someone and they asked you so many questions that at the end of the talk you second-guessed your idea? Maybe you were thinking of applying for a new job or promotion and someone asked, “You don’t have the training for that do you?” or “Who are you to think you deserve a promotion?” Negative questions and thinking can kill your goals and aspirations – if you let them. Sometimes the best way to answer negative questions is not answering them at all.
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When God births an idea in you, it’s your job is to run with it, God’s job to provide all you need and the world’s job to kill it. You don’t have to be discouraged if you don’t have all the answers right now. All you’re required to have is the faith that Jesus will make a way out of no way. Don’t waste time explaining yourself or justifying your idea to the world. You don’t have to answer the negative commentary or naysayers. When you know who you are and who’s you are, silence is golden. You can say so much more with your silence than you can attempting to offer an answer pleasing to your critics.
Pray. Listen. Action.
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“Heavenly Father, I know who I am in You. I have faith You will provide for me and make a way out of no way. I will listen to You and remain silent in the face of my adversaries. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”