Safe From Harm

We know that anyone born of God does not continue to sin; the One who was born of God keeps them safe, and the evil one cannot harm them.
— 1 JOHN 5:18 (NIV)

We all make mistakes, right? Right. The question is, did we learn from our mistakes and put methods in place to make sure the mistake isn’t made again? Teachers don’t expect all of their students to get it right the first time. Likewise, good parents know there are chances their children won’t get what they’ve asked of them correct the first time (would be nice though). Parents, teachers, employers and others know there’s a learning curve and issue consequences, homework or training with the intent to help you make less mistakes within a safe environment.

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God knew we would sin, but as we learn of Him, and grow closer to Him, He expects us to sin less and not continue to sin. To help us be successful, God promised to keep us safe from harm from the evil one. The devil knows once you are saved, he can’t stop that, but he can stop you from receiving the blessings God has orchestrated for you. Satan will try to temp you: “Do this!” “Say that!” “Go there”  “Eat that!” but God has given us a way to escape through His safety. The devil can’t make us do anything. We have all power over Satan through Christ who strengthens us. The devil cannot harm you! You’re safe. The devil only has the power we allow him to have. So let’s not give him any!

We’re safe!


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Heavenly Father, no matter my circumstances or situations, I will rejoice in You always. Holy Spirit, please remind me to say it again in those dark times, so that the light of Christ will shine on me. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
— This is my prayer