I Believe It!

Even as He spoke, many believed in Him.
— John 8:30 (NIV)

There are several things that happen in life that I believe that are not in my control or have very little physical evidence that would convince me otherwise. For instance, when my loan officer says my loan has been approved, I believe him. I don’t see the money, but I believe it’s available and mine. When a traffic light turns green for me to proceed, I believe vehicles opposite me will stop for their red light. I don’t know their driving record or even know if they are paying attention, but I believe they will stop.

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What do you believe that Jesus has said in His Word concerning you? Everything you are going through or experiencing today, I guarantee there is something in God’s Word addressing it. God said you are healed, but you’re still thinking about the diagnosis you received. Jesus said He’d keep your mind in perfect peace, but you’re still stressing. No weapon formed against you will prosper, but you’re still worried about what they’re trying to do to you. If Jesus said it, believe it! Exercise more faith in the Word of God over the words or actions of people. Take time to discover what Christ has promised you and said about you. When you do, you’ll be less concerned with what the enemy says you can’t do, can’t have, or can’t be. Then your new motto in life will be, “If God said, I believe it and that settles it!”

Stand on His Word


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Heavenly Father, whatever You say, I believe it. Thank You for speaking life into me and for all of Your precious promises. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
— This is my prayer