God Versus Human Beings

Peter and the other apostles replied: ‘We must obey God rather than human beings!’
— ACTS 5:29 (NIV)

Who do you talk to when you need good advice? Who do you go to when you’re at a crossroads in life and not sure which road you should take? Do you have someone in your life that will tell you what you want to hear or do you have people in your life that will tell you what you need to hear? Too many times we allow people to speak into our lives that should not. People will encourage you to do things they wouldn’t do themselves, but since it’s you and not them – shoulder shrug. They will tell you what they would do if they were you instead of telling you what’s good for you.

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If the advice you receive from human beings can’t be found somewhere between Genesis and Revelations, it’s probably not good advice. Friends and family can be very convincing, but at the end of the day, we must obey God rather than human beings. Stop letting people influence your relationships when they can’t show you what a good relationship looks like. Stop letting people tell you how to spend your money when they’ll be asking you for a loan next week. God has every answer to every problem you’ll ever face. And yes, He will use people to deliver His message to you, but you, my friend, must be able to tell the difference between the voice of God versus the voice of human beings.

Can you hear Him now?


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Heavenly Father, I choose to obey Your word versus the words of human beings that have not been influenced by You. Thank You sending Your people into my life. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
— This is my prayer