Live Your Best Life

He is not the God of the dead, but of the living. You are badly mistaken!
— MARK 12:17 (NIV)

OK. I get it. Some bad things have happened in your life. I mean so really bad things. You may have lost a loved one who was very dear to you. You may have been treated badly by a loved one who should have protected you. You may have been stricken with what they say is a terminal disease. Or maybe you’ve lost your job, your spouse, your house, your car, your dog or a lot of money. You may just be getting a little older and can’t shake your tail feather like you use to! Whatever you’ve gone through, or are going through, you still have one thing… your life.

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In the face of pain and adversity, I want to encourage you to live your best life. It may be rough. It may be tough, but God saw fit to give you another day this side of the earth. And since our God is not a God of the dead, but of the living, start living your best life with Him today. I mean, I guess you could sulk in your sorrows for hours on in, but why? God has blessed you with the gift of another day. He has renewed mercies at your doorstep. He has ten thousand blessings in one hand. Surely, at least one has your name on it. So. Go get it!

Live Life


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Heavenly Father, no matter what I go through in life, I know You are with me. You are not a God of the dead, but of the living. Today, I choose to live my best life that You have blessed me with.  In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
— This is my prayer