“At that time I will deal with all who oppressed you. I will rescue the lame; I will gather the exiles. I will give them praise and honor in every land where they have suffered shame.”
Let’s face it. We’ve all done something wrong or some things we’re not proud of and wish that we could erase. We’re human. So we’re going to make mistakes. We’re going to say things that hurt others. We’re going to do things without always thinking of the repercussions. It’s inevitable. What’s also inevitable is that there are going to be some people who witness these mistakes and make it their life’s mission to be sure these mistakes aren’t forgotten. They will remind us, and others, of how we fell short, they will hold it over our head and every other devious tactic they can think of. But thank God for Jesus!
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Jesus sees your mistake and still loves you. Jesus sees your sin and still wants to use you. Jesus sees your wrong and says, “I can make that work for your good.” Therefore, once Christ has forgiven you for your sin, repent, move on and learn from it. Don’t worry about the old things people are talking about behind your back. You have new things to accomplish! And the best thing about it is God’s got your back. He will deal with everyone who oppresses you and tries to hold you back. When people curse you, exile you, or try to run over you, God will give you praise and honor you where you have suffered shame. So don’t worry about the critics, gossipers and backbiters. Let God deal with them while you’re busy living your best life.
Who can be against you?
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“Heavenly Father, thank You for forgiving me of my sin and for dealing with those who oppress me. Vengeance is Yours. I will focus on the new start You have blessed me with and get back on the path You started me on. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”