A Good Word Goes Far

Each of us should please our neighbors for their good, to build them up.
— ROMANS 15:2 (NIV)

We live in a dog-eat-dog world. It’s a society where most people are only concerned about their best interest and are not concerned with the repercussions their actions have on others. It’s a world where people infrequently encourage one another, forget to say thank you or excuse me, and rarely go out of their way to do something nice without expecting something in return.

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It cost nothing to extend a kind word to a family member, a friend or stranger to help build them up. Today, look for opportunities where you can encourage and build your neighbor. Your kind words could make the difference in their day. Try thanking a co-worker for a job well done. Tell a family member you appreciate their unconditional love. Remind a friend how thankful you are for their support over the years. A good word goes far and this is the work of the Lord. And as you continue to speak life and love into others the same will be returned to you.

Become kind


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Heavenly Father, I will seek ways to please my neighbor for their good and to build them up. I will encourage others and speak love and life into their lives. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
— This is my prayer