“You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly.”
Ever feel defeated? Like you can’t win or measure up? Ever feel like everyone else around you is doing great, successful, but your life is on a repeat cycle of mediocracy and routine? Yeah, I get that too at times. I feel like I can be doing more and there’s more to life. I feel trapped at times. Powerless. When I feel this way, I have to remember that it’s a trick. I realize the enemy is trying to prevent me from seeing what Jesus has for me, my blessing is nearby and that my breakthrough is within my grasp.
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Satan wants you to believe you don’t measure up, you can’t do or be better, you’re mediocre, trapped or powerless, but on the contrary, you’re full of power and now is the time to activate that power. When Christ died for you and me, He released us from sin’s grasp – that includes the negative thoughts of others toward you as well as the negative thoughts self-produced. Now is the time to use this power to subdue those thoughts that work against you into submission. Now is the time to put the enemy in his place and take the blessed position God has appointed you to. Don’t absorb another piece of negativity. Now is the time to produce.
You’ve got the power
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“Heavenly Father, thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus, to die for me and give me power over sin and the enemy. Now is the time for me to live in that power and become what You created me to be. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”