“If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.”
Some people are great at setting goals in life. I kinda envy those types of people because I’m pretty bad at setting goals. I know what I want to do in life and I have a good idea of what it would take to accomplish those things, but if you were to ask me to list them…umm… we might be here for a while. I realize setting deadlines and sticking to schedules isn’t one of my strong points and I need to work harder to become my efficient in those areas, but that does not give me an excuse to live without purpose and direction. God gave me life and it’s up to me to make sure it has meaning.
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Your life has meaning and it has purpose. If you’re like me, you may not always have a specific goal you’re striving towards on your horizon, but whatever you do, however you do it, do it for the glory of God. Whatever you live for, enjoy doing or do for others, make sure it pleases Christ and aligns with His righteousness. Likewise, whatever you die for through sacrifice, protest or vow against, be sure God’s word agrees with it. And before you know it, just like that, you’ve set a goal! Your life belongs to the Lord. Your life has meaning. Live life as God intended it to be lived. In His glory.
I belong to You
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“Heavenly Father, for You I live and for You I die. My life has meaning in You. I have accepted You as my Lord and Savior and belong to You forever and ever. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”