“‘The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call Him Immanuel’ (which means ‘God with us’).”
This week, you’re probably going to experience some hardships alone. You may have a couple family members or a friend or two say, “I’m here if you need me” or “I know what you’re going through” and even though those words can be comforting, you still feel alone on your path. You know life isn’t singling you out. You know everyone experiences death, broken hearts, disappointment and stress, but sometimes it feels like you get an extra dosage for some reason.
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In the midst of your heartache. In your times of trouble. When you’re experiencing a pain that you feel no one else can understand, know that God is right there. Jesus is able to comfort you in your time of need. He will never leave you. In the good times, and yes, the bad times, Jesus is right there. Whatever you need is in His name. Call Him. He’ll be right there. Peace and understanding are in His name. Call Him. He’ll be right there. Loneliness, stress, depression. Call Him. He’ll be right there. And you don’t have to wait until disappointments darken your doorstep. Call Him when everything is all right. Call Him when He’s just blessed you. Call Him because He first loved you. Whatever the matter, whatever the time, you’re never alone because God is right there.
God is with you
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“Heavenly Father, I feel Your presence, Lord. I know that whatever I am going through, whatever I am experiencing, You are with me. I’m never alone. I’m never without You. Thank You for Your love. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”