“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light.”
As a kid, I had a very vivid imagination. I’d used paper towel rolls to create light sabers to defeat my make-believe enemy. I’d cut the same paper towel roll in half for binoculars and become the world’s top secret agent. Sometimes, I wasn’t always in control of my imagination. It’d get the best of me in my dark bedroom and piles of clothes would become monsters. I’d become afraid based on what I allowed my mind to believe. As an adult, I’ve come to realize thoughts become reality. Outside forces can influence these thoughts easily so I have to be careful what I let in. After all, whatever I believe, that’s what I become.
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What are you believing about yourself today? Are you thinking you’ll never get ahead in life? Are you thinking happiness is out of your reach? Maybe you’re thinking it’s too late for you to accomplish a goal you should have set five years ago? If you are, that’s stinking thinking and it is not of God. Turn your thoughts around before they manifest into your reality. That pile of clothes is not a monster. It’s a pile of clothes! You’re not a loser without purpose. You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood and holy nation. Happiness and prosperity is well within your reach because you are God’s special possession. As of today, you no longer have to live in the enemy’s darkness. Jesus has call you into His wonderful light. Leave that stinking thinking behind and allow your imagination to run free in Christ.
You have a choice
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“Heavenly Father, I am a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, Your special possession. I will declare praises of You because You called me out of darkness into Your wonderful light. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”