Turn to the Lord

All those who lived in Lydda and Sharon saw him and turned to the Lord.
— ACTS 9:35 (NIV)

Body language can tell our story without ever speaking a word. If our arms are crossed over our chest, that body language can indicate we’re being defensive. Nail biting can demonstrate stress, nervousness, or insecurity.  A hand placed on the cheek can indicate that we’re lost in thought or considering something while finger-tapping demonstrates we’re growing impatient or tired of waiting. Most of our body language is unconscious, but the message is undeniable.

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When people see your body language, does it make people wonder what makes you tick or make people sick? Does it draw people or repel them? As a witness for Christ, everything you do should convince others to turn to the Lord. It could be something as simple as a friendly smile or nod of the head. It could be the confidence in your godly stride and how you light up a room. To make sure your body language is projecting the kind of message that turns others to the Lord, fill your spirit with positive energy. Think about the goodness of God and meditate on His loving kindness. Those thoughts will be seen by others and who knows? Your unconscious witness may help someone turn to the Lord.

They’re always watching you


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Heavenly Father, I want to be a good witness for You. I will feed my spirit with Your Word so when others see me they will turn to You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
— This is my prayer