The Sun's Going Down

But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
— MARK 13:32 (NIV)

Every day that the sun goes down, we grow closer and closer to meeting our Father in heaven. Some people welcome that thought, while others choose not to think about it. In any case, it still remains true. Life on this side of the heavens is short. Life is precious. Life is fragile. Our loved ones are here today and gone tomorrow. We don’t know the day or the hour when the sun will set one last time over our lives, so we should live each day with purpose and do the work of Him that sent us.

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We’re busy every day. We have to work to pay bills. We work to buy things. We work to vacation, but often can’t even enjoy the vacation for thinking about the hours we have to work to pay for the vacation! Are you too busy to plant a seed in someone’s life? Are you too busy to stop and listen to someone’s story and bear their burden with them? Too busy to pray? Too busy to watch God’s snow fall and glorify Him? Stop. Just stop for a moment and do something with the purpose of giving God praise. Text someone a prayer. Post a positive word to social media. Call that family member you haven’t talk to in a while that talks your ear off and just listen. Because you never know when the sun’s going down. Work is important, but it’s not more important. Enjoy life and enjoy helping someone else enjoy theirs.

Take time today


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Heavenly Father, I don’t know when You’re coming back for me, so I’m going to do Your work and glorify You all the days my sun is still up. Thank You for life! In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
— This is my prayer