I'm F.I.N.E.

For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of His will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives

It’s important we establish a prayer life with God, not only to talk to Him, but for God to be able to talk to us. This prayer life doesn’t always have to be about our needs or wants. When we Matthew 6:33, we have faith that everything we need will be added to us. Therefore, as we continue in prayer, our prayers should be for others and their needs. Even when someone tells us “I’m fine,” we should not stop praying for them and asking God to fill them with knowledge, wisdom and understanding the Spirit gives.

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The strongest person you know needs prayer today. The person you believe to have it “altogether” is in need of prayer today. As I mentioned in a previous devotional, fine can mean Feelings I’m Not Expressing (F.I.N.E.). You may never know what a person is experiencing, and honestly, you don’t need to know. Jesus does. Just be sure to lift people in prayer. Lift your spouse in prayer. Lift your children and family in prayer. Lift your friends, co-workers, community and local leaders in prayer. Let the phrase, “I’m fine,” trigger a prayer response from you to Jesus on their behalf. After all, an extra prayer never hurt anyone, but not praying can.

Prayer works


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Heavenly Father, I want to life my brother and sister in prayer. I do not know what they are going through today, but I know they need Your knowledge, wisdom and understanding. Bless them today, Father, as I lift them in prayer. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
— This is my prayer