“The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.”
Would you let someone with yellow teeth tell you how to keep yours white? Would you take answers to a math quiz from someone you know to have difficulties with the subject? Would you give your last dollar to a person who says they can double it when they don’t have two nickels to rub together? Then why would you allow someone who doesn’t have a relationship with Christ influence your faith in God when you already know what Jesus has done for you?
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People will try to convince you that whatever you want to put it out in the universe and you’ll have it. Others may tell you that fate decides for you your path and destiny in life. People without the Holy Spirit cannot accept the things that come from God and considers them foolishness, but you already know where your help comes from. You already know your blessings come from the One that created the universe. You already know fate has nothing to do with the success you have because God is the author and finisher of your faith. When the world around you begins to put their faith and belief into things contrary to Christ crucified, buried and raised on the third day, that’s when you pray harder, you study longer, you fast more, because you already know what Jesus has done for you.
Don’t drink the kool-aid
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“Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Holy Spirit that guides me and reminds me of Your word. I accept the things of Your Spirit and praise You all the more! In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”