“Seek good, not evil, that you may live. Then the LORD God Almighty will be with you, just as you say He is.”
What’s on your checklist today? Exercise this morning. Check. Prepare presentation for work/school. Check. Wash dishes. Check. Do laundry. Check. Read Live Life with Van Burch daily devotional. Check! You have a lot tasks to accomplish and check off your to do list, but how often does doing God’s work make the list?
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Now, I know you’re a good person, and treat others as you would want to be treated, and if you witnessed someone struggling you’d be the first to help, but do you intentionally seek out to do good by others? Do you purposely look for ways you can improve the lives of others without expecting anything in return? When you seek good, you experience life as Christ intended. Your heart and soul become even more open to receiving the Lord God Almighty when you seek good. The more good you do, the less room you give to evil. You’ll find yourself in lockstep with God and blessed beyond you can ask or think.
Beyond good intentions
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“Heavenly Father, I seek good and not evil as I live in Your will. For You are with me Lord God Almighty in all I do and all I am. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”