“Jesus answered, ‘The work of GOD is this: to believe in the One He has sent.’”
Jesus wants each of us to succeed and thrive in life as GOD intended. People will have you think you have to do the impossible to live a godly life. You have to be perfect, you have to know this, or say that. Jesus doesn’t care about any of that stuff. He doesn’t care what you wear on certain Sundays. He doesn’t care about the car you drive. What Christ wants, He breaks down for us simplistically so we can do it. He wants us to love Him. He wants us to love others. To do these things is the start of doing the work of GOD.
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In order to love Christ, you have to believe GOD sent Him. When this belief is your foundation, your actions in life will follow. If you believe in the One GOD has sent you will love others as Christ does. If you believe in the One GOD has sent you will forgive others just as Christ did. If you believe in the One GOD has sent you will believe nothing is impossible for you. If you believe in the One GOD has sent you will pray for others, study to become righteous, give to every good work and live your best life. Why? Because you believe in the One who first loved you.
Put in work
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Heavenly Father, thank You for loving me and sending Your Son to show me the way. I believe in Christ, the Son of the living GOD, and commit to doing Your work. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.