“Then the devil left Him, and angels came and attended Him.”
GOD has dispatched His angels to care for you while on earth. They are always around you, daily, even now. Some angels protect you while others guide you. Some go to war on your behalf while others remain on standby until you call upon them. Sometimes, you will have to activate your angels by resisting the devil and fleeing from him.
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When you resist the devil instead of giving into his tricks, your angels will respond and attend to you. Satan will attack you when he thinks you’re weak and vulnerable. He wants you to give in. He wants you to believe his lies. And you will never activate the care of your angels until you resist him and claim GOD’s promises and believe who Christ says you are. Activate your angels by getting the devil out of your life. It may be some of your friends, it may be family, it may be substance abuse, it may be fornication. Whatever it is, it’s blocking your blessing and your angel can’t care for you until your devil leaves.
Bye Satan.
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“Heavenly Father, thank You for sending Your angels to care and attend to me. I will resist Satan and tell him to flee. Please keep Your angels encamped around me. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”