“Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed and so became the father of many nations, just as it had been said to him, ‘So shall your offspring be.’”
Growing up I experienced some pretty negativity lecturing. I was told who I was and what I would never become. Today, I’m still finding those words to haunt me and affect the thoughts I have of myself. In my relationships. In my home. At work. It’s not always a loud voice, but sometimes it’s a quiet whisper reminding me. It’s a very small string, that connects me to my past and at times leaves me second guessing myself. After nearly believing those negative words and beating myself up longer than I should, I remember who GOD told me I am and bring those thoughts into captivity.
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GOD told Abraham he’d become the father of many nations. No one believed him because he was old and his wife could not have children, but Abraham had faith that what GOD told him would happen. You’ve been told too! God has created you for a specific purpose. He’s blessed the works of your hands and made nothing impossible for you. Whatever GOD told you, have faith that it will happen in your life. It may not happen when you want it to, but GOD’s timing is always perfect. When the odds are against you and you can’t seem to find a happy ending in sight, know that’s exactly when Jesus will show up and show out in your life. Keep your faith, believe and have hope.
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“Heavenly Father, I will not fall for the tricks of the enemy. You have told me who I am in You. I am a child of GOD and there is no failure in me. I will keep my faith. I do believe. I have hope! In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”