“I will hasten and not delay to obey Your commands.”
Ever been swimming and the water was really cold? If you have, then you know the best remedy to get over the initial chill is to quickly dunk your entire body beneath the water. When you only put your feet in, your nerves send messages to your brain like, “Stop! That’s enough! It’s too cold!” while everyone else is enjoying the pool. Later, you may get brave enough to stand in the pool knee deep, but you’re still shivering and not enjoying the pool because you’re not all the way in. Finally, you count to three and say to yourself, “I’m going all the way in!” and then you realize it wasn’t as bad as you thought.
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There’s a personal pool of blessings GOD has for you that He wants you to dunk your entire body in. He’s told you to do something you’re not sure about or outside of your comfort zone, but the more you delay in obeying GOD’s commands, the more time you lose enjoying the fullness of your blessing. When you hear GOD’s voice, don’t hesitate to do whatever He says. The longer you wait, the more time you allow Satan to talk you out of doing what He says. Just think: you could be enjoying your pool of blessings, but you’re too afraid to jump all in. Don’t worry. It’s not too late! Count to three and do it! 1…2…
Take the leap
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“Heavenly Father, I have decided today not to hesitate or delay to obey Your commands. I know what You have for me is what is good for me. I will take my leap of faith today. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”