“‘But Rabbi,’ they said, ‘a short while ago the Jews there tried to stone You, and yet You are going back?’”
When you’re in GOD’s Will, you will always be protected. He will keep you safe from the enemy while you’re fulfilling your purpose. You may have to journey into some places you wouldn’t normally go, but if GOD sends you, trust, there is nothing to fear.
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In order to be a blessing or unlock your blessing, you may have to go into the enemy’s camp to get it. There are people out there that mean you harm. There are those who don’t want you to succeed. Yet in these times is when Christ can show Himself mighty in your life. GOD has given you dominion over all the earth and everything in it. There is nowhere you can’t go with Him. Whatever problem confronts you, don’t run from it. Whatever obstacle before you, do not stress. You are in the hand of the Almighty. You have nothing to fear.
Go get it!
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“Heavenly Father, I am in Your hand. You have given me dominion. I have nothing to fear as I do Your work and fulfill my purpose. Thank You for Your protection. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”