Rise Again

Jesus said to her, ‘Your brother will rise again.’
— JOHN 11:23 (NIV)

In the 11th chapter of John, the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead is told. There were many skeptics at the tomb who believed nothing else could be done while others believed if Jesus would’ve come on time, Lazarus would not have died. Then Jesus reminded them that He “is the resurrection and the life.” He called Lazarus from his tomb to rise again, take off his grave clothes and be let go from death.

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You may have some things in your life you believe are dead. You may have lost your confidence. Your health may be failing you. You may be feeling the sting of a broken heart, disappointment or despair, but whatever you feel is dead in your life, believe that Jesus will allow you to rise again. Believe your self-esteem will rise again and learn who you are in Christ. Have faith your health will rise again and follow His commands. Your relationship slump will rise again when you welcome those into your life that GOD has sent. Better days, stress-less nights – will all rise again. You only need to believe that Christ makes all things new. Jesus is always on time. Obey His Word and have faith that He is the resurrection and the life. Nothing is impossible for Him. Not even in death. Not even your situation.

We fall down, but…

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Heavenly Father, You have all power and are mighty. With Your power, I choose today to rise again. I will let go of death and live life with You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
— This is my prayer