“My prayer is not that You take them out of the world but that You protect them from the evil one.”
I mentioned before that I’ve worked in a few production plants here in Michigan. Each plant I worked in was required to supply me with personal protective equipment (PPE) based on the job I had to do. I’ve worn everything from heavy flame retardant jackets and respirators to leather gloves and safety glasses. There were times I wanted to go without the PPE thinking it would make my job easier, but no matter how hot or uncomfortable the PPE made me I knew it would keep me safe while on the job.
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GOD has given you a job to do in this world. At times, it may not be an easy job. You may have to do some uncomfortable things or deal with some folks you don’t want to deal with, but know that if Jesus has assigned you a job, He’s also given you the personal protective equipment you need to perform in your purpose safely. Jesus will protect you from the evil one, your enemies, your haters and obstacles in your life by using them to strengthen you, your faith and give you the success He’s promised you. When GOD says, “Move!” Move! Where He says, “Go!” Go! You don’t have to worry what the evil one can do to you because Christ has given you protection on the job!
Get back to work
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“Heavenly Father, You are a Great God! Thank you for giving me a job to do in this world and for protecting me from the evil one and his tactics while I do your work. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”