“Jesus turned and said to Peter, ‘Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.’”
I have a “Michigan Resume.” That’s when you’ve worked for several different companies due to downsizing or plants closing. One thing I’ve noted that’s consistent wherever employed is there’s always people willing do anything to get ahead. I’ve seen people compromise their beliefs. I’ve seen people back stab co-workers for promotions. I’ve even seen people try to look a certain way or talk a certain way for the approval of others because they believed that who they really were wasn’t good enough to get them ahead.
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I have news for you. You are good enough! GOD created you perfect the way you are. Jesus does not want you worried about human concerns. When you try to live up to the standards that man set, those standards can become your stumbling block and can lead you off the path that GOD has set for you. When human concerns become more priority than GOD’s concerns, you allow Satan to influence your next step, your thoughts and your actions. Promotion comes from GOD so you don’t have to compromise your faith to get ahead. Remember who you are and Who’s you are. And even if a stumbling block has caused you to fall, get back up, find GOD’s path and continue the race.
What are GOD’s concerns?
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“Heavenly Father, I choose today to make Your concerns my priority and not the concerns of humans. I will not allow stumbling blocks to detour me from the path You have set for me. Guide me, Lord. In Jesus’ Name. Amen. ”