“The father of a righteous child has great joy; a man who fathers a wise son rejoices in him.”
We all want to see our children do well in life. Sometimes we set expectations too high by forgetting we’re raising a person and not a project. We forget that allowing them to make mistakes while under our care builds character, not failures. We mistakenly live vicariously through our children in the hope they’ll walk in our footsteps instead of allowing them to blaze their own trails. No matter how hard we try, controlling what children do is futile, but influencing who they can become is rewarding.
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Just as GOD has a plan for you, He also has a plan for your child(ren). Guide your child(ren) into knowing the righteousness of Christ instead of the measurement of worldly success. Focus more on who they become and not what they become. Not every parent can raise a child to become an astronaut, but every parent can introduce their child to Christ. It’s never too late and it doesn’t matter if you yourself didn’t grow up going to church. Experience the joy of raising a righteous child. Rejoice knowing you passed on wisdom and not degenerating information. When your child asks you what do you want to do for Father’s Day, tell them, “Let’s go to church.”
It’s in GOD’s plan
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“Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Word, guidance, and wisdom. I will introduce my child(ren) to Your righteous so they too can become righteous and wise in You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”