“As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things.”
What good can come out of losing your job of nineteen years? What good can come from your marriage of twenty-five years ending in divorce? What good can come from your doctor entering your examination room shaking their head? What good can come from friends turning their backs on you?
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It can be hard at times to traverse life without knowing all the answers. It’s difficult to understand why some things happen to you that you’d rather didn’t. “Why at this time, Lord?” “Do I deserve this, GOD?” As every blessed day goes by, things you don’t understand will challenge you, but you know what? That’s OK! Because, as a believer, all you have to understand is GOD is working everything out for your good. You may not see it today. It may not feel good next week. Nevertheless, your future with Christ is bright! Your GOD is the Maker of all things and He’s making a better tomorrow for you. Remember, your weeping only endures for a night and your joy is coming in the morning. Trust that GOD is at work for you!
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“Heavenly Father, I do not understand Your work at times, but I do know You are working everything out for my good. You are my God, the Maker of all things, and in You I will trust! In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”