Get Your Bars Up!

I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.
— PSALM 121:1 – 2 (NIV)

Ever try to make a phone call but your cell phone didn’t have enough bars? You try all kinds of weird and embarrassing things to get your bars up! You may hold your cell phone up and wave it above your head. You may try standing close to something tall and metal. Or, if you’re in Walmart, you might go looking around for those skylights in the roofs to get a clear line of sight with a phone tower. You’ll do whatever you need to do to get your bars up to make that call, send that text, or post to social media.

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There will be times in life where you will need to get your bars up too. When life starts kicking you in the butt. When you have more collect bills than dollar bills. When you’re sick of being sick. When your relationship isn’t relating to you the way you’d like. When your job starts feeling like a job. When you’re tired of being stressed because you’re too stressed from being tired. You need a strong signal from the Lord to get your spiritual bars up! Put your cell phone down and lift your eyes to the mountains where your help comes from. When you need to get your bars up, you have a reliable 3T network you can rely on: The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost. You have a strong tower that’s never blocked from you. You have power over whatever is preventing you from getting a good signal in life and the ability to get your bars up to overcome the enemy’s obstructions to call on Jesus for help.

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Heavenly Father, I lift up my eyes to the mountains where my help come from. My help comes from You, the Maker of heaven and earth. I’m calling you now, Lord. Please, here my prayer. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
— This is my prayer