Best of the Best - Series Con't

Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in Me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.
— JOHN 14:12 (NIV)

Thank you all for the awesome feedback shared from Friday’s devotional Collaborate With Your Spirit. It was pulled from a YouTube video, To Reach Beyond Your Limits By Training Your Mind, my wife showed me. The main idea was to collaborate with your brain by doing these four things:

  • Tell your mind what you want and be very descriptive.
  • Associate pleasure with what you want to accomplish and pain with staying the same.
  • Change the picture in your mind and see yourself reaching your goal.
  • Make the unfamiliar familiar.

So let’s dive deeper into each idea this week as it relates to the spirit

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  • Make the unfamiliar familiar.

You never know what you can do until you do it. Until you actually do it, it’s unfamiliar to you. That’s why it’s important you have already fed your spirit to believe you can be and do whatever you set your mind to. You have to believe in your spirit you’re already great even before you achieve greatness. You have to believe in your spirit you’re more than a conqueror before you conquer what’s ahead. Jesus said there are greater things you will do because He’s with the Father, but you may not believe this because you haven’t journeyed outside of your comfort zone that calls for you to be or do greater. God wants the best from you so make yourself familiar with being and doing the best by feeding your spirit with only the best.

 Feel free to watch the video by clicking HERE.

Speak. Believe. Do.

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Heavenly Father, I believe in You and the works You are doing. I choose to become familiar with the unfamiliar by feeding my spirit with only the best, which is Your Word and Your plan for me. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
— This is my prayer