“GOD loves all who hate evil, and those who love Him He keeps safe, snatches them from the grip of the wicked.”
As believers of God, we need to make sure we are always aligned with His agenda in every form and fashion. God’s Word gives specific instructions on how to live godly lives, Christ lived and gave us the perfect example to follow and the Holy Spirit reminds us and guides us. One area we all can probably use a little godly touch-up, is the area of wretchedness.
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As a believer, make sure you have a problem with what God has a problem with and make sure you promote the things God promotes. God loves all who hate evil. Now, be careful. Van didn’t tell you to hate evil people! God doesn’t hate “evil people.” He hates evil. God doesn’t hate the gossiper. He hates gossip. God doesn’t hate the backstabber. He hates backstabbing. These are all common activities you are aware of, and may even participate in, and it’s time to eliminate it and other evil activity from your life. And don’t worry about those gossipers and backstabbers (and others) retaliating against you as you commit to this life change. God says He will keep you safe and snatch you from the grip of the wicked. So, you’re free to hate evil, but in the process, help free someone else from the wicked bondage of evil activity. Let’s stop wasting time doing the devil’s work and get consumed doing God’s work.
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“Heavenly Father, I commit to hating evil as You do. As I commit to this life change, I thank You in advance for You love and keeping me safe from the grips of the wicked. I am covered by the blood! In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”