Hard To See

Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD himself, is the Rock eternal.
— ISAIAH 26:4 (NIV)

In the middle of the night, I became thirsty. My home was completely dark, but I knew if I ran my hand against the hallway wall, it would find the light switch and prevent me from running into something. Inside of a haunted house, my wife led our children through the wooded forest trail (I pulled up the rear). She experienced the unseen, and “undead,” before all of us and we survived. While on vacation in Arizona, we traveled to the Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, Hollywood, San Francisco, Venice Beach and Pasadena. I had no idea where I was driving; I just believed my GPS would get us there.

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I’m sure you have stories too where you’ve had to put your trust in someone or something to get the favorable results you desired. You may not have known how to get what you needed or how to get somewhere, but faith wins over your doubt and you charged ahead. In your life, you will encounter times when it’s hard to see what GOD is doing. You won’t understand His plan, you may think GOD is not hearing your prayers or maybe not moving fast enough for you, but trust in the Lord forever. If you know how to trust a person or a GPS, assuredly you can trust the Rock eternal. When it becomes hard to see what GOD is orchestrating in your life, remember He is the great I Am. He’s the author and finisher of your faith. If life becomes dark, uncomfortable or unknown, trust in the Lord to guide you. Forever. He’ll bring you into the light.

He’ll get you through it and to it!


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Heavenly Father, I will trust in You forever. You are my Rock eternal. I will call on Your name in my times of darkness, discomfort, and unknowns or simply just to praise You for Your goodness. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
— This is my prayer