“The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you.”
Satan only has the power we give to him. He can only exist in our fears and where faith is lacking. Our lives don’t belong to Satan. Our homes don’t belong to Satan. From Satan’s mirage of reign in our government and elected officials to the ill effects felt in our communities, one thing still holds true… God’s peace and grace are still with us.
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You’ve read the paper and you’ve seen the news reports. A vast number of our leaders are corrupt and leading numerous people astray. Included among this headcount are quiet preachers and inapt teachers that give godly pastors and motivated administrators bad names. Satan may seem to be having his way, but as a believer, your victories over Satan won’t be televised. Don’t be fooled. Don’t live in fear. Satan is being defeated - daily. The news won’t tell of how the devil tried to render you powerless, but God restored you. The paper won’t report how the devil tried to steal your joy, but Jesus replenished your spirit. Your victory over Satan isn’t coming. It’s here and now! You can crush the enemy today! Whatever your status, you already have the victory by God’s peace and the grace of our Lord, Jesus.
If God be for you…
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“Heavenly Father, by Your peace, I have crushed Satan under my feet. I will not live in fear for the grace of my Lord Jesus is with me always. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”