Spacious Place

When hard pressed, I cried to the LORD; He brought me into a spacious place. The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid.
— PSALM 118:5 – 6 (NIV)

It’s funny the things you find out about yourself if you keep living. I love riding roller coasters ‘til this day, but I’ve recently learned while doing a ropes course I’m ridiculously uncomfortable with heights. Sure, I was strapped securely into a harness, but I wasn’t familiar with this harness and I wasn’t familiar with the underpaid teenager who strapped me in it. His tip when walking across ropes or skinny boards was to hold on to the rope until making it to the more spacious places. So even with the unfamiliar and uncomfortable paths to the next platform, and even though I was safe in the harness, holding on to the rope made me feel more secure on my path and confident in completing the course.

Show your family and friends the rope by clicking HERE

You too have a spacious place God has prepared for you when your path becomes unfamiliar and uncomfortable. In tight situations, you don’t have to be afraid. God created your course, placed you in the safety harness of the Holy Spirit and gave you the rope of Christ to hold on to. If you’re feeling hard pressed, call out to the Lord. He is always with you and available to bring you out of tight situations and into a spacious place.

Hold the rope!

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Heavenly Father, when I am feeling hard pressed or in tight situations, I will call out to You. I know You will bring me into a spacious place and are always with me. I will not be afraid! In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer