Transformational Thinking Series: THINK

For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.

(My Fulfillment Hour Class (Sunday School) is revisiting Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer. One of our exercises was to find scriptures that provide example of what the Christian mindset should be. Over the course of this week, I will share my findings of a few scriptures that I pray will transform our thinking.)

If you think everyone is talking about you, they probably aren’t. If you think you are broke, you probably will be. If you think no one likes you… well, they probably won’t with this kind of thinking!

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Stop and think for a second… What are you thinking about today? What blessings are you speaking into your life this week? What are you expecting?  Whatever thoughts you put out in the universe is what you’re going to get back. Instead of thinking negative thoughts, think that you can do the impossible. Think that God’s prepared a blessing for you this week that’s going to blow your mind. Think that you are blessed and loved. Think that you are vibrant, smart, and beautiful. Think that every good thing you do will be successful and supported. Don’t give place to the devil. It’s already enough people doing that. Instead, reflect on God’s word that you’ve hid in your heart and think about this being the best week you’ve ever had.

Stop. Think. And THINK!

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Heavenly Father, You have great things in store for me this week. I will reflect on Your promises I’ve hid in my heart and think about Your goodness and blessings coming my way today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer