“I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.”
“God’s got me.” Can you say that when your paycheck isn’t what you thought it was going to be? “God’s got me.” Is that what you think when they’re hinting at your job about layoffs? “God’s got me.” Is that the first thing you say when the doctor says, “We may have to run more tests?”
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If you answered yes to the questions above, it’s likely because you’ve seen God do “it” for you before and have faith that He will do “it” again! You are content in whatever circumstance may arise in your life because you understand that God will supply all your need. You are content wherever life finds you today, because you know wherever you are, and what you’re experiencing, is for a godly reason and that Jesus is at work in your life and on your behalf. That’s why you are content and can say, “God’s got me,” because you have faith He’s going to make a way out of no way and show you great and marvelous things you don’t know. But, if you happened to answer no to the questions above, exercise your faith by relying on God and allow Him to do the rest.
Believe on Him
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“Heavenly Father, I am content in You in whatever circumstance knowing You will supply all my needs. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”