The Good. The Bad. The Trouble.

Yet it was good of you to share in my troubles.

When I was going through my divorce, I was thankful for the friends that checked in on me. Not necessarily to find out what happened, but just to make sure I was ok, pray with me, or to try and take my mind off things. This situation helped me identify the friends who loved me and were by my side in good times and bad times. While it may be a little uncomfortable supporting friends in their time of trouble, the compassion and love received is priceless and appreciated forever.

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I encourage you to be a friend during the good times, the bad times, and the troubled times. It doesn’t matter the fault, the sin, or what happened. Just be a friend. Jesus didn’t ask the tax collector why did he choose that profession. No. He made Him a disciple. Jesus didn’t ask the prostitute to leave His presence. No. He talked to her and gave her valuable and life changing conversation. Jesus didn’t turn His back on His best friend because he said the wrong thing. No. He forgave him and invested in him. Good friends share in all things. The good, the bad, and the troubled times. The best of friends aren’t there just when things are going good. They’re there to make things good.

Be a friend

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Heavenly Father, strengthen me to share in my friend’s trouble. Enable me to be as good as friend to others as You are to me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer