‘Who can hide in secret places so that I cannot see them?’ declares the LORD. ‘Do not I fill heaven and earth?’ declares the LORD.
— JEREMIAH 23:24 (NIV)

In all your problems. In all your frustrations. In all your fears. In all you uncertainties. In your coming and in your going. Night. And Day. The God you serve and worship is with you always.

God fills the heavens and the earth. Your problems can’t hide from Him and your enemies can’t run from Him. In Him is love, safety, security, and freedom. You are never alone! God is right in the middle of your storm with you. He’s there when you lose a loved one. He’s there when you're battling health issues. He’s everywhere present at the same time. But not only is He there when life isn’t treating you fairly, God is also releasing blessings into your life everywhere you go. He’s stopping weapons formed against you from prospering. He’s creating fruitful paths and opening new doors for you. He’s smiling on you as you praise Him for the wonderful things He’s done for you. And the good thing about praising Him is … you can do it everywhere.

The Great I Am

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Heavenly Father, thank You for being there no matter when I need You. You are the Great I Am and nothing is impossible for You. Everything I need is in You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer